
By serving as your fiduciaries and representing only your best interests, we get to know you well and help you pursue the best possible outcomes for you and your family or organization.


Combining years of experience and education with close attention to the most current developments, we have the leading expertise needed to manage your wealth most effectively.


We work towards your financial success with diligence, skill, and experience, identifying effective solutions for your goals.


Through close relationships with your accounting, legal, and insurance advisors, we coordinate a comprehensive approach designed to optimize your financial results.

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Wigand Integrated Wealth strives to be a source of continuous improvement in the value our profession delivers to clients, as we emphasize conflict-free solutions that are thoughtful, knowledge-based, and most importantly, client-focused.

We welcome the opportunity to learn how we can serve you as your trusted advisor

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Our team brings a combination of experience, care, and industry-leading credentials to our relationship with you.

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We are thorough and comprehensive in developing solutions for you, working together with your entire team of advisors.

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The breadth of our knowledge across the full spectrum of wealth management allows us to customize effective solutions to align with your goals and values.

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